Likewise, in much anarchist writing and action, sexuality has been
and continues to be all too frequently marginalised. However, while
underacknowledged, marginalised efforts have had great impacts.
The aim of this conference is to explore the potentially very
productive intersections of anarchism and sexuality: past, present
and future.

In the best anarchist tradition, the event will be defined by people
who participate. What would you like to see happen?What kind of
discussions do you think are important?Would you like to present
a paper, facilitate a discussion, organise a workshop or contribute
in other ways?

We imagine papers, discussions & workshops about things like:

* race, sexuality and globalisation * disabilities and sexualities *
diy women’s health * autonomous queer spaces * inter-linked
hierarchies of race, class, gender, sexuality and authority * the
sexual politics of various anarchisms * queer theory &
poststructuralism * sexual harassment & the capitalist workplace *
sexual practice as anarchy in action * erotic democracy * direct
action sexual politics * the sexual politics of hierarchy * sex
education and sexual health * rape and abuse * anarcha feminism *
free love * sexual citizenship * S/M * intergenerational sex * gay
marriage debates * sex work & organisation * addressing sexuality
in anarchist collectives/networks/movement(s) * the erotics of
capitalism and its alternatives * the sexual State * anarchist
sexualities: theories and practices


Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words, along with a
brief biographical introduction. Papers from all perspectives will be
considered. Papers should aim to be accessible and to encourage


Please send us a proposal (1 page at most) which addresses the
following questions:

* how long would you want for your session (e.g., 1 or 2 hours)? *
do you want to limit the number of participants? If so, how many? *
what are the aims of the session? What do you envision coming
out of it? * how does the session work toward those aims? * what
experience would you bring to the session? * Would your session
be exclusive in anyway? (e.g., women only, men only, activist
focused, etc – it’s ok if it is! Just let us know.)

DEADLINE: 1 July 2006

REGISTRATION: Cost: sliding scale (£5 skint to £25 funded
academic). If the £5 fee would prevent you from coming, let us
know and we’ll see what we can work out. Also, for those with
limited income, we are able to offer 10 travel grants of up to £20
each (with thanks to the Specialist Group for the Study of


We welcome groups interested in anarchism and/or sexuality to
participate by organising workshops, sending folk along or providing
materials for distribution (whole info stalls or bunches of leaflets,
flyers, etc).


Proposals toward evening entertainments, artistic interventions, etc
very welcome!

CONTACT for submissions, proposals, registration, etc

Richard Cleminson R.M.Cleminson (at) Jamie Heckert Jamie.Heckert (at)
17.06.2006 ………… danke, karl!

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