Befreiende Pädagogik, Forumtheater und Gestalttherapie im Pluriversum

Schlagwort Theatre of The Oppressed

Theatre of the Oppressed techniques – Giolli provide courses in Italy about different issues

To: individuals working in: adult education organisations schools Subject: Letter n.4 – chance for funded training in Europe    Are you a person working as teacher in school, as volunteer or member in an association, cooperative or else, working with… Weiterlesen →

Luiz Inàcio da Silva on the death of the dramaturg Augusto Boal

Official statement from the President of Brazil, Luiz Inàcio da Silva, on the death of the dramaturg Augusto Boal. It was with deep sorrow, early this evening (2nd May) that I received the news of the death of the theatre… Weiterlesen →

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