NEW1: Amnesty International edited a methodological guide about
“Human rights and unformal education” with contributes
from Roberto Mazzini and Benito Fernandez (Bolivia).
NEW2: Forum play in Toscana the 26th Agost, opening the National
Summer School of MCE (educational cooperation movement).
NEW3: last days to subscribe to our bi-annual course in T.O..
NEW4: a new project adressing the Andine Community in Italy (people
from Bolivia, Perù, Ecuador and Colombia) is going to be
launched by Giolli.
NEW5: some contacts in Parma and Reggio Emilia towns in order to
start a project concerning prison, penalty and social insecurity.
NEW6: Report of work done by Roberto Mazzini in June in two romanian
towns with groups of youngsters doing Forum-Theatre n order to
prevent alcoholism, discrimination and domestic violence. and the english part at the old site:
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