Forumtheater kommt immer mehr auf die freien Bühnen und bekommt allmählich feine Beschreibungen: „Organisches Theater“, das mit dem Publikum wächst, finde ich sehr fein: Eine indische Impression in Englisch:
Forum Theatre is based on Brazilian theatre practitioner Augusto Boals Theatre of the Oppressed technique, which believes that the audience must have a dialogue with the performers. Boal first elaborated this in the 60s, initially in Brazil and later in Europe, and Indian theatre directors are increasingly taking up this form.
Unlike scripted plays, Forum Theatre is organic. The action halts at particular scenes and the Joker (a character who interacts with the audience) invites reactions from the audience. After a few minutes of discussion, a decision is reached about what the character should do next, and the play resumes. The actors have to be trained well and ready to improvise so that the play does not lose steam.
„Forumtheater mit der Katze und dem Sozialarbeiter“ gab es beim Heldenfestival in Ruhpolding als erste Szene …
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