Youventus international is glad to welcome Pamuzinda Harare in München
10. Juni till 31. August 2010 we hope on your concerts and lessons for pupils and in social envirements same as 2009 and
We also hope to hear from your situation of living and working in the money-crisis (we are only beginners with such things …) and knew only pictures and films at
Tell us from the kids in the Project in Highfield, about school and fees, -uniforms and lessons.
Second time we greet the „boys“, teching there:
Tafadzwa Chimanga Marimba, Drums, Dance
Fraderick Sitima Marimba, Dance, Stage Manager
From last years we know the „ladys“:
Sandra Chimanga Vocals, Percussion, Dance, Marimba
Barbra Tandare Vocals, Percussion, Dance, Marimba, Costumes Manager
In Juli is coming:
Michael Kamunda Marimba, Mbira, Vocals, Artistic Director
playing and talking at tollwood last winter.
With our Münchner Pamuzindas:
Vengai Katogodo Vocals, Dance, Marimba, Mbira
Andi Richter Mbira, Guitar, Percussion,
we will have a lot of concerts and lessons.
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