course we organise in July 2012 in adult education, run by Hector Aristizabal and Roberto Mazzini, planned within the European Project F.ra.t.t. (Fighting racism through theatre).

If you know bodies, persons, associations interested please inform them that they could apply their national Socrates agency (you find the list here: and be financed completely, according to their specific rules.

You can find more information in English in the Grundtvig database as soon as the Socrates Agency will approve it:

or now on our website:

The place of the training is Casaltone, north Italy, close to Parma town. The date is from 10th to 14th July 2012 more one day each for the travel arriving and leaving. Deadline to apply to your National Socrates Agency is 16th January 2012.
What to do: contact your national Socrates agency – Download their application form and fill up (just wait some days for our course will be approved and so you can get the code number).
Tell us you are interested to apply and we send to you a confirmation of pre-registration
Follow the specific rules of your Socrates Agency
By 16th January send the form filled up to your National Socrates agency and wait their answer
After their positive answer write to us and we’ll give you more instructions.

More information about Giolli by visiting our website: . Here you can choose a rough translation of each page by clicking on the top right of the page (there are several possible languages).