Am Sonntag 1.9. nachmittags machten XR München, die internationale Bewegung gegen das Artensterben Extinction Rebellion und die Gruppe der Resistencia democracia Brasil eine Demo mit bester Musik zu den Regenwald-Bränden an der Uni München:
Internationale Bewegungen in allen Sprachen
Expressions of interest included:
- Case studies of possible ‘alternative’ science communication happening in Denmark, Columbia, Uganda, UK France, US, Portugal, Scotland, India and Australia.
- Relevant literature from JCOM and PUS–and research drawing on political science, education, sociology, philosophy, rhetoric and STS
- Practical insights from community organisers, coordinators of community-based participatory research projects, curators, science critics and those working closely with activists or working as activists
People were particularly interested in participating in a roundtable focussing on critiques and questions such as:
- The impact, democratic legitimacy, academic framing and relevance of ‘alternative’ science communication for science and communication
- The problems and opportunities associated with promotion and marketing of science by activists/advocates—and framing issues as socio-ecological problems
- Whether ‘alternative’ science communication can be discussed without first interrogating assumptions related to what is labelled ‘alternative’
- The important roles for scientists and science communicators as advocates and activists
Demnächst hoffentlich mehr auf Radio LORA München UKW 92,4 in der Gegensprechanlage Mi 21h oder in der Wissenschafts-Redaktion
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